
Showing posts from April, 2018

Bseb 10th result 2018 date, Bihar board 10th result 2018 declared check now your marks

Bseb 10th result 2018 date, Bihar board 10th result 2018 declared check now your marks. Bihar board 10th result 2018 kab aayega ye puchhne ki ab jarurat nahi hai. After the successful completion of the Bihar board matric(class 10th) 2018 exam the bseb announce the result date. The bseb 10th result will provide through online and offline mode. Bseb 10th Result 2018 is going to be declared soon. you can check now the result. Exams of Bseb class 10 were finished at 28 February 2018. The exam was held from 21 to 28 February 2018 in two shifts, 9.45 am to 1.00 pm and 1.45 pm to 5.00 pm. Nearly 1700000+ students have appeared for the Class 10 exams in 2018. The exam was held at 1,426 centres across the state. Process of checking answer sheets are over now. Nearly 1,100+ students were penalised for cheating during the Class 12 exams that concluded on march.Now all the Class 10 students can check Bihar Board 10th Result 2018. The students those were appear in the examination they can ...

LNMU B.Sc. part-2 chemistry (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 chemistry (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical Theory [Time- 3 hours] [Full marks- 75] [Pass marks- 23] One question is compulsory which will be very short answer type. Five questions in all to be answered at least one from each group to be answered. Group-A 1. Thermodynamics 1st law of thermodynamics, Enthalpy work done in isothermal and Adiabatic process. Extensive and intensive thermodynamics properties, Reversible and irreversible process. Cp & Cv and their relation. Kirchoff's law.       2nd law of Thermodynamics work function. entropy free energy. Carnot theory & Carnot cycle, Gibbs free energy. Gibbs Helmholtz equation. Vants Hoff reaction isotherm. Vant's Hoffs equation. Vant Haff isochore. 2. Phase Rule Phase rule equation. Phase component and Degree of freedom. Transition point. Eutectic point. Phase diagram and its discussion of water and Sulphur system. Two component system...

LNMU B.Sc. part-2 chemistry honours syllabus paper-3 and paper-4 with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 chemistry honours syllabus paper-3 and paper-4 with practical Paper-III [Time- 3 hours] [Full marks- 75] [Pass marks- 34] Theory [physical and inorganic chemistry] Ten questions to be set Three from Group-A, Very short answer type which is compulsory. Altogether Five questions to be answered at least one from each group. Questions should be selected in the manner so that whole syllabus be covered as far as possible. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Group-A 1. Thermodynamics :- Types of systems, Macroscopic properties, thermodynamic equilibrium state of system, reversible and imeversile process. Isothermal, adiabatic, isochoric and isobaric process, perfect differentials. First law of thermodynamics, internal energy and enthalpy and their gnificance, molar heat capacities (Cp and Cv) and their relations,Relationship between P,T and V in adiabatic process.  Spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes, second law of thermodynamics, Camo...

Bihar Board 12th result 2018 date check now, How to check bseb 12th result 2018 (arts, science and commerce)

Bihar Board 12th result 2018 date check now, How to check bseb 12th result 2018 (arts, science and commerce): After the successful completion of the bseb intermediate 2018 exam the bseb announce the result date. The bseb 12th result will provide through online and offline mode.Bseb 12th Result 2018 is going to be declared soon. you can check now the result. Exams of Bseb class 12 were finished at 16 February 2018. The exam was held from 6 to 16 February 2018 in two shifts, 9.45 am to 1.00 pm and 1.45 pm to 5.00 pm. Nearly 1100000+ students have appeared for the Class 12 exams in 2018. The exam was held at 1,384 centres across the state. Process of checking answer sheets are over now. Nearly 1,100+ students were penalised for cheating during the Class 12 exams that concluded on February 17.Now all the Class 12 students can check Bihar Board 12th Result 2018. The students those were appear in the examination they can check their results by entering the roll code and roll number or...

LNMU B.Sc./B.Com. part-2 Urdu (M.B.) 50 marks

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc./B.Com. part-2 Urdu (M.B.) 50 marks [Time- 1:30 hours] [Full marks- 50] Distribution of Marks:- (a) summary and Explanation from the Text Prescribed -   2x15=30 (b) objective questions (compulsory) -  5x2=10 (c) Grammar Wahid Jama and Mohaware)                 -    10x1=10 Two questions, one from wahid jama and other from Muhaware will be set and examinees will be asked to answer either of two. Books Prescribed :- (1) Sarma-Yaie-Adab - Prof. Mumtaz Ahmad                                       Prof. Aslam Azad                      ...

LNMU B.Sc. part-2 Botany (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 Botany (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical [Time- 3 hours] [Full marks- 75] There shall be one theory and one practical paper consisting of 75 marks and 25 marks respectively, each paper shall be of 3 hours duration. THEORY PAPER  The paper shall consist of Angiosperms, Taxonomy, Anatomy and Embryology, Plant Physiology questions are to be set. Candidates are required to answer five questions selecting at least one from each group. Question No. 1 will be of short answer type and compulsory. GROUP-A Angiosperms Taxonomy 1. Botanical nomenclature. 2. Systems of classification of Bentham and Hooker, and Hutchinson. 3. Diagnostic features and economic irnportance of the following families: Ranunculaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Polygonaceae. GROUP-B Anatomy and Embryology  1. Meristem. 2. Anatomical adaptation in Hydrophytes and xerophytes. 3. Anomalous secondary growth in the following types Nyctanthus, A...

LNMU B.Sc. part-2 physics honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 physics honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV There shall be two theory papers, each of three hours duration and shall camy 75 marks each. There shall be one practical paper of 50 marks of three hours duration. Paper-III [Time- 3 hours] [Full marks- 75] Five questions are to be answered. Question No. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from Group-A and Group B. Two questions from each Group will have to be answered, besides question number one which will be comulsory. There questions will be of equal value. Group-A:Optics Fermat's principle :- Fermat's principle and its application on plane and curved surface. [2 Lectures] Cardinal points of an optical system:- Two thin lenses separated by a distance, equivalent lens, different types of magnification; Holmholtz and Lagamge's equations, paraxial approximation, introduction...

LNMU B.Sc. part-2 Botany honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 Botany honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV with practical Paper-III [Time- 3 hours] [Full marks- 75] Biology of seed plants :- There shall be two theory papers carrying 75 marks each and one practical paper carrying 50 marks. All the three papers shall be of three hours duration. PAPER-III  The paper shall consist of Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. There shall be two groups. Altogether 10 questions are to be set. Candidates shall be required to answer five questions selecting at least one from each group Question No. 1 will be of short answer type and compulsory. GROUP-A  Palacobotany and Gymnosperm :- 1. Process of fossilization types of fossils and importance of fossil. 2. Fossil genera : Lyginodendron, Cycadeoidea. 3. structure of sporophyticplant body, Flower, Pollination, Fertilization, Embryo development and seed structure of (a) Pinus  (b) Taxus  (c) Gnetum GROUP-B  Angiosperm...

LNMU B.Sc. part-2 physics (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 physics  (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 75 marks besides a one practical paper of three hours duration carrying 25 marks. Thery Paper  [Time - 3 hours] [Full marks - 75] The question paper will consist of three groups. Group-A will have six short type questions out of which three will have to be answered. Group-B and C will have four questions each, out of which two questions will have to be answered from each group. Question number one will be compulsory. Group-A  There will be only one question from this group, which will be compulsory Six short type questions from topics in Group B and C wil be asked. Examinees will be expected to answer any three of them. Group-B (Optics, Electromagnetic theory, X-rays and Laser)  optics :- Light as an electromagnetic wave; Full electromagnetic spectrum, properties of electromagnetic waves...

LNMU B.Sc. part-2 physics honours practical syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 physics honours practical syllabus [Time- 3 hours] [Full marks- 50 marks] This paper will have the following experiments. The examinee will be asked to perform any one of them within the time duration of three hours. Full marks will be 50. 1. Determination of wavelength by Newton's ring. 2. Determination of Magnifying power of Telescope and microscope. 3. Refractive index of prism by spectrometer. 4. Fresnel difffraction by a straight wire. 5. Resolving limit of the eye and a telescope. 6. Determination of wavelength of light by biprismon an optical bench. 7. Measurement of magnetic dip by a Dip Circle. 8. Measurement of Magnetic field by a search coil. 9. Experiments based on a therm ncouple. 10. Calibration of voltmeter and ammeter by a potentiometer. 11. Measurement of High and Lowresistance. 12. Study of series and parallel resonant circuit. 13. Measurement of capacitance by de-Sauty bridge.

LNMU B.Com. part-1 commerce honours and general with subsidiary papers and marketing syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Com. part-1 commerce honours and general with subsidiary papers and marketing syllabus General   Paper-I FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING:- The course contents for this paper shall be the same as prescribed in B.Com. (Hons.) Paper-1 Paper-II Business Economics & Environment :- The course contents for this paper shall be the same as prescribed in B.Com. (Sub.) Paper-I PAPER-III  Business Management & ommunication :- The course contents for this paper shall be the same as prescribed in B.Com. (Sub.) Paper-II Honours  Paper-I Financial Accounting :- Unit-1 : Introduction : Meaning and Scope of Accounting, Objective of Accounting, Principles of Accounting, introduction of Accounting Standards & IFRS. Principles of Double Entry System. Accounting Cycle-Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance and Final Account. Unit II: Branch and Depar ment Accounts, Royalty Accounts, Hire Purchase and installment Payment System. Un...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 zoology (sub./gen) syllabus with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 zoology (sub./gen) syllabus with practical In all 08 questions are to be set, four from each group. Five questions are to be answered, selecting at least two from each group. Group-A (Animal Diversity-I) l. Salient features and classification of major invertebrate phyla up to orders. 2. Protozoa-Locomotion, osmoregulation, nutrition an reproduction. 3. Porifera-Canal system, reproduction, affinities and Spicules. 4. Coelenterata-Obelia and Aurelia, Corals & coral reefs. 5. Ctenophora-Structure & Affinities. 6. Platyhelminthes-Structure, life cycle and pathogenicity of Faciola hepalica & Taenia solium. 7. Annelida-Haemocoelimic system in Leach: Excretory system. 8. Mollusca-Torsion & detorsion in gastropoda. 9. Onychophora-Structure & affinities. 10. Anthropoda-Respiration in Prawn, Mouth Parts in insects & General account of Trilobita. 11. Echinodermata-Water vascular system in Starfis...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 zoology honours syllabus paper1-I and paper-II with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 zoology honours syllabus paper1-I and paper-II with practical Paper-I In all 08 questions to be set four from each group. Five questions are to be answered, selecting at least two from each group. Group-A (Animal Diversity-I)  1. Classification Salient features and classification of major invertebrate phyla upto orders. 2. Protozoa :   (a)Structure & Life-cycle of Paramoecium Structure. life cycle & pathogenecity of Trypanosoma gambiense and Entamoeba histolytica.   (b) Nutrition   (c) Reproduction 3. Evolution of Metazoa. 4. Canal system in sponges. 5. Cnidaria Morphology and Life history of obelia. Polymorphism, Corals and Coral reefs. 6. Ctenophora Structure and affinities. 7. Platyhelminthes Structure. Lite cycle and pathogenicity of Taenia solium. Parasitism and Parasitic adaptations. 8. Nemathelminthes Structure, Life cycle and pathogenicity of Ascaris lumbricoides and Wuchereria...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 botany (sub./gen.) syllabus with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 botany (sub./gen.) syllabus with practical There shall be one theory and one practical paper consisting of 75 marks and 25 marks respectively. Each paper shall be of 3 hours duration. THEORY   The paper shall consist of Thalloplyta, Bryophyta. Pteriodophyta. Gymnosperm. Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics and applied Botany. There shall be two group and altogether 10 questions are to be set. Candidates are required to answer five questions selecting atleast one from each group. Question No. will be of short answer rype and compulsory. Group-A General characters, classification and Economic importance of the following types: Algae Nostoc, Oedogonium, Ectocarpus, Batrachospermum Fungi Synchytrium, Peziza, Puccinia. Lichens General account. their Microbiology General Account of Bacteria and virus and economic importance. Bryophytes Marchantia, Anthoceros and Sphagnum. Pteriodophytes Rhynia, Lycopodium, Selaginella and ...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 botany honours syllabus (paper-I and paper-II) with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 botany honours syllabus (paper-I and paper-II) Cryptogames There shall be rwo theory papers carrying 75 marks each and one practical paper carrying 50 marks. All the three paper shall of three hour duration. (Thallophyta)  There shall be three groups consisting of algae, mycology and plytopathology and microbiolgy. Altogether ten questions are to be set. Candidates shall be required to answer five questions selecting atleast one from each group. Question No. 1 will be of slort answer type and compulsory. Group-A (algae) 1. General Account. 2. Classification of Algae by Fritsch. 3. Range of thallus structure. 4. General Account of following classes with sp, ref. to general mentioned NOSTOC.      (a) Cyanophyceae : Anabaena      (b) Chlorophyceae : Oedogonium, Chara      (c) Xanthophyceae : Vaucheria      (d) Phaeophyceae : Fucus      ...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 mathematics (sub./gen.) Syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1mathematics (sub./gen.) Syllabus Time- 3 hours Full marks- 100 Sixteen questions to be set and Eight to be answered selecting at least one from each group. Group-A set theory, Modern Algebra and Linear Algebra (7 questions) Set Theory:- De Morgan's laws, Cartesian product of sets. Equivalence relation, Partition of a set Fundamental theorem on equavalence relation. Countability of rational, real and algebraic number. (2 questions) Abstract Algebra :- Nations of group, abelian group with simple examples, Uniqueness of identity and inverse, Cancellation laws in a group. Reversal rule. Definitions and examples of subgroup and cyclic group (1 question) Definitions, simple examples and simple properties of Ring, integral doman and field (1 question) Matrices, Transpose, Orthogonal, adjoint and in of the matrix Rank of Matrix (2 questions) Definition, examples and properties of vector space, vector subspace. (1 question) ...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 mathematics honours Syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 mathematics honours Syllabus Paper-I Twelve questions to be set and six to be answered. "Schoelder Partial and total order relations, countability, Cardinality. Bernstein theorem, Cardinal and ordinal numbers and their arithmetic, Axiom choice and its various forms, Zor well ordering theorem (3 questions) properties, Definition of a group with examples and simple of groups, Cyclic groups, Coset decomposition, Lagrange's theorem and its consequences, Fer and Euler's theorems, Homomorphism and Isomorphism, Normal subgroups. Quotient groups, Fundamental theorem of homomorphism. Permutation groups. Even and odd permutations, the alternating groups, Cayley's theorem, Introduction of rings, sub rings. Integral domains and fields, characteristic of a ring. (3 questions) Symmetric, Skew symmetric, Hermitian and Skew Hermitian matrices. Elementary operations on matrices, Inverse of a matrix. Linear independence of ro...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 chemistry (sub./gen.) practical syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 chemistry (sub./gen.) practical syllabus Time- 3 hours Full marks- 25 A. Any one of the following experiments- 15 Marks. l. Qualitative analysis of basis & acid radicals in a given inorganic salt mixture containing radicals. Group I to Group-II Acid base titration-Analysis of mixture of NaOH & Na₂CO₃ . B. Viva-Voce       -05 Marks C. Note Book      -05 Marks

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 chemistry (sub./gen.) syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 chemistry (sub./gen.) syllabus Time- 3 hours Full marks- 75 Pass marks- 23 One question is compulsory which will be very shor answertype. Five questions in all to be answered, at least one question from each group to be answered. Group-A  1. Gaseous state : Equation of state. Postulates of kinetic theory of gas and kinetic equation of gas. RMS average and most probable velocity. Deviation from ideality. Vander Waal's constant. Ideal gas. 2. Chemical Kinetics Rate of reaction, factors affecting rate of reaction or Molecularity and order of reaction. First and Second order reaction. Half Life Activation energy. 3. Chemical Equation Law of Mass action. Equilibrium constant (Kp. Ke & Kx) i e. Chaterllier's principle, Relationship between Kp, Kc & kx. 4. Colloidal State Classification, Preparation of Colloidal Solution. Purification (Dialysis) Protective colloid. Gold no.. Emulsion, Stability of Colloids o...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 chemistry honours syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 chemistry honours syllabus Paper-I Time- 3 hours Full marks- 75 Physical and inorganic chemistry Ten Questions to be set. One question is compulsory which is very short answer type covered from whole syllabus. Five to be answered atleast one from each group. Group-A  Physical Chemistry  1. Gaseous state : Postulates of kinetic theory of gases. Kinetic gas equation. RMS Average and most probable velocities. Deviation from idealistics, Vander Waal's equation of states. Critical phenomenon- critical constants of a gas, relationship between critical constants and Vander Waal's constant. Law of corresponding states. Reduced equation of states. Liquidification of gases, Boyle's Temperature. 2. Solid State Types of solids. Types of crystals and forces there in Law of crystallography. Crystal Lattices. Space Lattice, Unit Cell. Radius ratio rule. Co-ordination number. Miller & Weiss Indices X Ray diffractio...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 chemistry honours practical syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 chemistry honours practical syllabus Time - 6 hours. Full marks - 50 Pass marks - 23 A. Any one of the following exp 30 Marks 1. Separation and identification of basic radicals and acid radicals of radicals in a given mixture (Group I to analytical table) 2. (a) Determination of and of organic compounds. (b)Test of purity by m.p. determination. (c) Sublimation, Crystallisation of organic compounds. B. Viva-Voce    -15 Marks C. Note Book   -05 Marks

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 physics (gen./sub.) practical Syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 physics (gen./sub.) practical Syllabus Time- 3 hours Full marks- 25 The Course shall include the following experiments. one of wliich is to be performed by the examinee. l. Determination of g by bar pendulum. 2. Determination of Young modulus by flexure of beam. 3. Rigidity modulus by (a) statical method (b) dynamical method. 4. Surface tension by capillary rise method. 5. Viscosity of liquid by capillary flow method. 6. Viscosity of liquid by Stoke's method. 7. Surface tension by Jaegar s method. 8. Frequency of tuning fork by Melde's experiment. 9. Specific heat by method of cooling. 10. Latent heat of ice using radiation correction.

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 physics (sub./gen.) Syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 physics (sub./gen.) Syllabus There shall be one theary paper of three hours duration carrying 75 marks besides one practical paper of three hours duration carrying 25 marks. Theory Paper The question paper will consist of three groups. Group A will have six short type questions out of which three will have to be answered. Group Band C will have four questions each, out of which two questions will have to be answered from each group. Question number one will be compulsory. Group-A  There will be only one question from this group, which will be compulsary. Six short type questions from topics in Group B and C will be asked. Examinees will be expected to answer any five of them. Group-B Mathematical Physics, STTR, Mechanics, General Properties of Matter, Waves, oscillations and Acoustics Mathematical Physics : Vector algebra, addition, subtraction and multiplication of vectors. Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplaci...

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 physics honour practical syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 physics honour practical syllabus Time- 3 hours. Full marks- 50 This paper will consist of the following experiments. The examinee will be asked to perform any one of them within the duration of three hours. Full marks will be 50. l Katers Pendulum 2. Bending of Beam 3. Elastic Constants by Searle's method. 4. Modulus of rigidity (a) Statistical method (b) Dynamical method. 5. Surface Tension of Soap bubble. 6. Surface Tension by Mercury by Quincke's method 7. Viscosity of water by Capillary flow. 8. Viscosity of air by Rankine method. 9. Sonometer. 10. Melde's Experiment. 11. Specific heat of solid by radiation correction method. 12. Thermal conductivity by Leedise method.

LNMU B.Sc. part-1 Physics Honours syllabus (lnmu darbhanga, Bihar first year syllabus)

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 Physics honours syllabus. Lnmu darbhanga, There shall be two theory papers, each of three hours duration and shall carry 75 marks each. There shall be one practical paper of 50 marks of three hours duration. Paper-I Five questions to be answered. Question no. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from Group A and Group B. Two  questions from each Group will have to be answered, besides question number one which will be compulsory. The questions will be of equal value. Group-A Mathematical Physics and Properties of Matter Infinite sequence and series-convergence and divergence, Functions of  several variables-partial differentiation, Taylor's series, multiple integrals, random variables and probabilities-statistical expectations value, variance, analysis of random ertors, probability distribution functions (Binomial, Gaussian and...