LNMU B.Sc. part-1 physics (sub./gen.) Syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 physics (sub./gen.) Syllabus

There shall be one theary paper of three hours duration carrying 75 marks besides one practical paper of three hours duration carrying 25 marks.
Theory Paper
The question paper will consist of three groups. Group A will have six short type questions out of which three will have to be answered. Group Band C will have four questions each, out of which two questions will have to be answered from each group. Question number one will be compulsory.
There will be only one question from this group, which will be compulsary. Six short type questions from topics in Group B and C will be asked. Examinees will be expected to answer any five of them.
Mathematical Physics, STTR, Mechanics, General Properties of Matter, Waves, oscillations and Acoustics
Mathematical Physics : Vector algebra, addition, subtraction and multiplication of vectors. Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian operations.
Special Theory of Relativity : Galilean Transformation, Inertial frame of reference. Michelson Morley experiment, Lorentz-Fitzerald contraction. Einstein postulates. Lorentz Transformation and its consequences. Legth contraction and time dilation. addition of velocities. relativistic variation of mass with velocity mass-energy relation.
Mechanics and General Properties of matter: Kepler's laws of planetary motion, elasticity and elastic constants, bending of beam. determination of young's modulus. cantilever, torsion and rigidity modulus. flat spiral spring. effect of temperature and pressure on elasticity, Bernoulli's theorem. viscosity of liquids. critical velocity, Poisseule's formula with correction, capillary tube flow, effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity. Surface tension and surface energy. ripple and gravity waves. determination of surface tension by method of ripples.
waves, oscillations and Acoustics : Differential equation of waves, Equation of a progressive wave, stationary wave, compression waves in fluids and extended solids. Free, damped and forced oscillations, Fourier analysis. Intensity and loudness of sound and their measurement, Acoustics of building. Ultrasonics.
Thermal Physics, Computer Fundamentals and Electronics
Thermal Physics : Perfect gas equation, Vander waals equation of state, Maxwell's law of distribution of velocity, Joule Thomson effect, Liquefaction of gases with special reference to Helium, Transport phenomenon of gases, Mean free path, The laws of thermodynamics, carnot engine and Carnot cycle, Thermodynamic relations and their applications to simple physical problems, entropy, the principle of increase of entropy, the thermodynamic scale of temperature, Kirchoff's law and black body radiation Stefan's law, Wien's law, Rayleigh Jeans law, Planck's law.
Computer Fundamentals: Basic components of a computer and their functions, Types of computer system, Number system, decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal system and their arithmatics.
Basic Electronics : p-n junction diode, forward and reverse biasing, half wave and full wave rectifiers, zener diode, photo diode. LED

Text and Reference Books
1. E. M. Purcell, ed. Berely Physics Course Vol. I (Mechanics)


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