LNMU B.Sc. part-1 zoology (sub./gen) syllabus with practical
Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 zoology (sub./gen) syllabus with practical
In all 08 questions are to be set, four from each group. Five questions are to be answered, selecting at least two from each group.
2. Protozoa-Locomotion, osmoregulation, nutrition an reproduction.
3. Porifera-Canal system, reproduction, affinities and Spicules.
4. Coelenterata-Obelia and Aurelia, Corals & coral reefs.
5. Ctenophora-Structure & Affinities.
6. Platyhelminthes-Structure, life cycle and pathogenicity of Faciola hepalica & Taenia solium.
7. Annelida-Haemocoelimic system in Leach: Excretory system.
8. Mollusca-Torsion & detorsion in gastropoda.
9. Onychophora-Structure & affinities.
10. Anthropoda-Respiration in Prawn, Mouth Parts in insects & General account of Trilobita.
11. Echinodermata-Water vascular system in Starfish. Larval forms.
2. Retrogressive metamorphosis in Herdmania.
3. Feeding mechanism and development of Amphioxus.
4. Fish-Circulatory system in Scoliodon and Labeo. Respiration.
5. Amphibia-Origin, Classification and parental care.
6. Reptiles-Chelonia and poisonous snakes.
7. Birds-Origin, flight and adaptation & migration.
8. Mammals General characters, origin, Dentition.
9. Heart and aortic arches in vertebrates.
Full marks- 25
l. Dissection -05 marks
2. Specimens -05 marks
3. Slides -05 marks
4. Bones -05 marks
5. Viva Voce -05 marks
In all 08 questions are to be set, four from each group. Five questions are to be answered, selecting at least two from each group.
Group-A (Animal Diversity-I)
l. Salient features and classification of major invertebrate phyla up to orders.2. Protozoa-Locomotion, osmoregulation, nutrition an reproduction.
3. Porifera-Canal system, reproduction, affinities and Spicules.
4. Coelenterata-Obelia and Aurelia, Corals & coral reefs.
5. Ctenophora-Structure & Affinities.
6. Platyhelminthes-Structure, life cycle and pathogenicity of Faciola hepalica & Taenia solium.
7. Annelida-Haemocoelimic system in Leach: Excretory system.
8. Mollusca-Torsion & detorsion in gastropoda.
9. Onychophora-Structure & affinities.
10. Anthropoda-Respiration in Prawn, Mouth Parts in insects & General account of Trilobita.
11. Echinodermata-Water vascular system in Starfish. Larval forms.
Group-B (Animal Diversity-II)
I. Origin of chordates.2. Retrogressive metamorphosis in Herdmania.
3. Feeding mechanism and development of Amphioxus.
4. Fish-Circulatory system in Scoliodon and Labeo. Respiration.
5. Amphibia-Origin, Classification and parental care.
6. Reptiles-Chelonia and poisonous snakes.
7. Birds-Origin, flight and adaptation & migration.
8. Mammals General characters, origin, Dentition.
9. Heart and aortic arches in vertebrates.
Zoology (sub./gen.) Practical syllabus
Time- 4 hoursFull marks- 25
l. Dissection -05 marks
2. Specimens -05 marks
3. Slides -05 marks
4. Bones -05 marks
5. Viva Voce -05 marks