LNMU B.Sc. part-1 physics honour practical syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 physics honour practical syllabus

Time- 3 hours.
Full marks- 50

This paper will consist of the following experiments. The examinee will be asked to perform any one of them within the duration of three hours. Full marks will be 50.

l Katers Pendulum
2. Bending of Beam
3. Elastic Constants by Searle's method.
4. Modulus of rigidity (a) Statistical method (b) Dynamical method.
5. Surface Tension of Soap bubble.
6. Surface Tension by Mercury by Quincke's method
7. Viscosity of water by Capillary flow.
8. Viscosity of air by Rankine method.
9. Sonometer.
10. Melde's Experiment.
11. Specific heat of solid by radiation correction method.
12. Thermal conductivity by Leedise method.


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