LNMU B.Sc. part-2 Botany honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 Botany honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV with practical


[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 75]

Biology of seed plants :-
There shall be two theory papers carrying 75 marks each and one practical paper carrying 50 marks. All the three papers shall be of three hours duration.


The paper shall consist of Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. There shall be two groups. Altogether 10 questions are to be set. Candidates shall be required to answer five questions selecting at least one from each group Question No. 1 will be of short answer type and compulsory.
Palacobotany and Gymnosperm :-
1. Process of fossilization types of fossils and importance of fossil.
2. Fossil genera : Lyginodendron, Cycadeoidea.
3. structure of sporophyticplant body, Flower, Pollination, Fertilization, Embryo development and seed structure of
(a) Pinus  (b) Taxus  (c) Gnetum

Angiosperms Taxonomy :-
1. Binomial system of Nomenclature, ICBN.
2. Systems of classification as proposed by
(a) Bentham and Hooker (b) Hutchinson.
3. Role of Palynology, Embryology and Cytology in Taxonomy.
4. Diagnostic floral characters, Floral formula and floral diagram o following families with special emphasis to plant growing locally
(a) Ranunculaceae
(b) Apocynaceae
(c) Lamiaceae
(d) Verbenaceae
(e) Polygonaceae
(f) Euphorbiaceae
(g) Poaceae.


[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 75]

Development ofPlants and their uses :-
There shall be two groups consisting of Anatomy, Embryology and Applied Botany. Altogetherten questions are to be et. Candidates are required to answer five questions selecting at least one from each group. Question No. 1 will be of short answer type and compulsory.

Anatomy :-
1. Meristem Structure and classification.
2. Root and shoot apex organisation.
3. Principle and distribution of mechanical Tissue.
4. Anomalous secondary growth in :
(a) Achyranthe
(b) Nyctanthus
(c) Boerhaavia
(d) Dracaena
(e) Tecoma
5. Ecological Anatomy :
Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.
Embryology and Applied Botany :-
1. Microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis
2. Megasporogenesis
3. Development of embryos ac
4. Nature and development of endosperm.
5. Embryo development, polyembryony.
6. General account of tissue culture.
7. Medicinal plants of Bihar.
8. Cereals, pulses, oilseeds, Fruits and Vegetables of Bihar.


[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 50]

1. Gymnosperm :-          6×1=6
A. Study of living gymnosperms as prescribed in the syllabus.
2. Anatomy :-                 8×1=8
A. Preparation of temporary slides and identification of stems showing anomalous secondary growth.
3. Taxonomy :-                 10×1=10
A. Description and identification of angiospermic plant upto genus only of the families prescribed in the syllabus.
4, Embryology :-              4×1=4
A. Microsporogenesis
B. Microdissection of embryo
5. Applied Botany :-        2×1=2
A. Study of plants of medicinal and other uses
6. Spotting :-            5×2=10
A Gymnosperm        01
B. Anatomy               01
C. Embryology          01
D. Taxonomy             01
E. Applied Botany     01
7. Practical records and Viva-voce    10


Unknown said…
Very useful it is

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