LNMU B.Sc. part-1 botany (sub./gen.) syllabus with practical
Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 botany (sub./gen.) syllabus with practical
There shall be one theory and one practical paper consisting of 75 marks and 25 marks respectively. Each paper shall be of 3 hours duration.
1. Ultrastructure of Plant cell.
2. Structure of chromosome.
3. DNA structure and replication.
4. Mitosis and Meiosis.
5. Mendelism. Linkage and crossing over.
6. Mutation and its role.
7. Botanical Names. Families and part used of the following Wheat. Rice. Gram. Arhar. Mustard. Groundnut. Sugarcane, Potato, Tomato Brinjal. Neem. Cinchona. Cotton.
2. Demonstration of various stages of mitosis/meiosis.
3. Economic Botany
4. Spotting
5. Practical records and
6. Viva-voce
There shall be one theory and one practical paper consisting of 75 marks and 25 marks respectively. Each paper shall be of 3 hours duration.
The paper shall consist of Thalloplyta, Bryophyta. Pteriodophyta. Gymnosperm. Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics and applied Botany. There shall be two group and altogether 10 questions are to be set. Candidates are required to answer five questions selecting atleast one from each group. Question No. will be of short answer rype and compulsory.
General characters, classification and Economic importance of the following types: Algae Nostoc, Oedogonium, Ectocarpus, Batrachospermum Fungi Synchytrium, Peziza, Puccinia. Lichens General account. their Microbiology General Account of Bacteria and virus and economic importance. Bryophytes Marchantia, Anthoceros and Sphagnum. Pteriodophytes Rhynia, Lycopodium, Selaginella and Equisetum Gymnosperms Cycas and Pinus.
(Cell Biology, Genetics and Applied Botany)1. Ultrastructure of Plant cell.
2. Structure of chromosome.
3. DNA structure and replication.
4. Mitosis and Meiosis.
5. Mendelism. Linkage and crossing over.
6. Mutation and its role.
7. Botanical Names. Families and part used of the following Wheat. Rice. Gram. Arhar. Mustard. Groundnut. Sugarcane, Potato, Tomato Brinjal. Neem. Cinchona. Cotton.
1. Temporary stained microscopic preparation of Algae, fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms. as prescribed in the syllabus.2. Demonstration of various stages of mitosis/meiosis.
3. Economic Botany
4. Spotting
5. Practical records and
6. Viva-voce