LNMU B.Sc. part-2 physics honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 physics honours syllabus paper-III and paper-IV

There shall be two theory papers, each of three hours duration and shall camy 75 marks each. There shall be one practical paper of 50 marks of three hours duration.


[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 75]

Five questions are to be answered. Question No. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from Group-A and Group B. Two questions from each Group will have to be answered, besides question number one which will be comulsory. There questions will be of equal value.
Fermat's principle :- Fermat's principle and its application on plane and curved surface. [2 Lectures]
Cardinal points of an optical system:- Two thin lenses separated by a distance, equivalent lens, different types of magnification; Holmholtz and Lagamge's equations, paraxial approximation, introduction to matrix methods in paraxial optical-simple application. [5 Lectures]  Interference :- Interference; Division of amplitude and division of wave front, Young's double slit experiment, Lloyd's mirror and Fresnel's bi-prism, Phase change on reflection; Stoke's treatment, Interference in thin films Parallel and Wedge shaped films, Fringleis of equal inclination (Haidinger fringes) and fringes of equal thickness (Fizeau fringes), Newton's ring; Measurement of wavelength and refractive index. [10 Lectures]
Michelson's interferometer :- (i) Idea of form of fringes (no theory required) (ii) Determination of wavelength (iii) Wavelength diference (iv) Refractive index (v) standardization of meter and (vi) visibility of fringes. [4 Lectures] Coherence:- Temporal and spatial coherence, Theory of partial choerence, Coherence tirne and Coherence length, Purity of Spectral lines. [2 Lecturesl
Fresnel diffraction; Fresnel's assumptions, Fresnel's half period zones for plane wave. Explanation of rectilinear propagation of light, Theory of zone plate, Multiple foci of a zone plate, Comparison of a zone plate with a convex lens, Diffraction due to (i) a straight edge (ii) a rectangular aperture (iii) a small circular apearture and (iv) an opaque circular disc. Fresnel's integrals, Cornu's spiral; Fresnel's diffraction pattern due to (i) a straight edge, (ii) a slit and (iv) a wire (qualitatively using Cornu's spiral). [12 Lectures]
 Fraunhofer diffraction :- Diffraction due to (i) a single slit, (i) a double slit and (ii) a plane transmission grating, Rayleight's criterion of resolution, Resolving Power and Dispersive power of a plane diffraction grating [6 Lectures] Holography Principle of Holography, Recording and Recostruction method, Theory of Holography as Interference between two plane waves. [2 Lectures]
Electromagnetic waves and Electrodynamics Maxwell's Equations :- Maxwell Equation, displacement current, vector and scalar potentials, Gauge transformations; Lorentz and Coulomb Gauge, Boundary Conditions at interface between different media, Wave Equations, Plane waves in dielectric media, Poynting theorem and Poynting vector, Electromagnetic energy density, Physical conept electromagnetic field energy density, Momentum density and Angular momentum density. [12 Lectures]
 Reflection andRefraction of Electromagnetic waves :- Reflection and Refraction of a plane wave at a plane interface between dielectrics, Fresnel formula, Total internal reflection, Brewster'sangle, waves in conducting media, Metallic reflection (Normal incidence), skin depth, Maxwell's equation in microscopic media (plasma), Characteristic plasma frequency, refractive index, Conductivity of an lonized gas, Propagation of e.m. waves in ionosphere [12 Lecture]
Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves :-Description of linear, cricrular and elliptical polarization, Propagation of e.m. waves in Anisotropic media, Symmetric nature of dielectric tensor, Fresnel's formula, Uniaxial and Biaxial crystals,Light propagation in uniaxial crystal, Double refraction, Polarization by double refraction, Nicoprism, ordinary and Extraordinary refractive indices. Production and Detection of Plane, Circulary and Elliptically polarized light, Phase retardation Plates. Quarter-wave and Half-wave plates, Babinet compensator andits uses, Analysis of polarized light. [10 Lectures]
Rotatory polarization; optical Rotation, Biot's law of rotatory polarization, Fresnel's theory of optical rotation, calculation of angle or rotation. Experimental verification of Fresnel's theory, specific rotation. Laurent's Half shade polarimeter. [5 Lecture]
Optical fibres :-
Numerical aperture, Step and Graded indices (Definitions only), Single and Multiple mode fibres (Concept and definition only). [3 Lectures]

Suggested Books:-
(1) Optics Ajay Ghatak Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
(2) Light and Optics: Principles and Practices-Abdul Al-Azzawi (CRC Press, 2007)
(3) Contemporary optics-A.K. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan (Plenum Press, 1978)
(4) Introduction to Optics Khanna and Gulati.
(5) Introduction to electrodynamics David J. Griffiths (Benjamin Cummings)


[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 75]

Five questions are to be answered. Quaestion no. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from Group A and Group B. Two questons from each Group will have to be answered, besides question number one which will be compulsory. The questions will be of equal value.
GROUP-A : Electricity 
Seebeck efect, Peltier efect, Thomson effect and the relation among their coefficients, Self and mutual inductance and their measurement. [3 Lectures]
Varying Currents :- Growth and decay of cuments in RC, RL and LCR circuits, moving coil ballistic galvanometer, Current and charge sensitivity, electromagnetic damping, logarithmic decrement. [6 Lectures]
Network theorems :- Ideal Constant voltage and constant-current sources, Network theorems. Thevnintheorem, (ii)Norton theorern, (ii) Superposition theorem, (iv) Reciprocity theorem, and (5) Maximum power transfer theorem. [3 Lectures]
Circuit analysis :- Kirchoffs laws, Mesh and Node analysis of Dc, and A.C. circuits, Duality in networks. Equivalent Star (T) and delta (T) networks of a given network, start to delta and delta to star conversion, wheatstone bridge and its application to Wein Bridge and Anderson Bridge. [6 Lectures]
AC circuits :- complex reactance and impedance, series LCR circuit. G) Resonance (ii) Power dissipation (iii)Quality factor and (iv) Band width, Parallel LCR circuit. [4 lectures]
Group-B : basic electronics 
Semiconductor diodes :- p-n junction diode, I-V characteristics, Zener diode and its application, optoelectronic diodes; LED, Photo diodes. [2 Lectures]
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) :-
Pnp and npn structrures; active and saturation regions, characteristics of BJT, common emitter configuration, input and output characteristics, a and Bof a transistor and their intemelation, common base configuration, output characteristics, Two port analysis of a transistor, definition of h-parameters loadline concept, emitter follower, biasing methods, stability factor, low frequency model, Comparison of CB, CC and CE amplifiers. [6Lectures]
Two terminal devices and their applications :- (i) Rectifier diode, Half wave rectifiers Rectifier diode, Half wave rectifiers, Centre-tapped and Bridge Full wave rectifiers, Calculation of ripple factor and rectification efficiency, Qualitative idea of C.L. and TI-filters Gi Zener diode and voltage regulation (iii) Photo diode, (iv) Tunnel diode (v) LED (vi) Varactor diode. [4 lectures]
Amplifiers :- Transistor biasing and stabilization circuits, Fixed bias and voltage divider bias, Transistor as 2-port network, h-parameter, Equivalent circuit, Analysis of a single stage CE amplifier using Hybrid model, Input and output impedance, Current, Resistance, voltage and Power gains, class A,B and C amplifiers [8 Lectures]
Coupled amplifiers :- RC coupled amplifier and its frequency response of voltage gain. [2 Lectures]
Feedback in amplifiers, Effects of positive and negative feedback, on input impedance, output impedance and gain, stability, Distortion and noise [3 lectures]
sinusoidal oscillators :- Barkhauson's criterion for self-sustained oscillations, RC phase shift oscillator, Deternwnation of frequency, Hartley oscillator, Colpitts oscillators. [3 Lectures]
Non-Sinusoidal oscillators :- Astable and monostable multivibrators [3 Lectures]
Field effect transistor (FET) 
Classification of various types of FET's, construction of junction FET, drain charecteristics, biasing, operating region, pinch-off voltage, MosFET construction of enhancement and depletion type, principle of operation and characteristics, Elementary idea of CMos and NMos. [7 Lectures]
Digital electronics 
Boolean theorem, Boolean identities, OR,AND, NOT, NAND, NOR gates, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR gates, universal gate, De-Morgan's theorem, 1's and 2's compliment, binary number addition, subtraction and multiplication functional completeness, S-o-P and P-o-S representation, Kamaugh map. [7 Lectures]

Suggested Books:-
(1) Electricity and magnetism (Berkeley Series vol-II-E.M. Purcell Tata McGraw Hill)
(2) Electricity and magnetism J.H. Fewkes and J. Yarwood (Oxford Univ. Press, Calcutta)
(3) Electricity and Magnetism A. S. Mahajan and A. A. Rangwala (Tata McGraw Hill)
(4) Digital Electronics Ray Chaudhary (Platinum Publisher)
(5) Basic Electronics-K. K. Ghosh (Platinum Publisher).


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