LNMU B.Sc. part-1 chemistry (sub./gen.) syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 chemistry (sub./gen.) syllabus

Time- 3 hours
Full marks- 75
Pass marks- 23

One question is compulsory which will be very shor answertype. Five questions in all to be answered, at least one question from each group to be answered.
1. Gaseous state : Equation of state. Postulates of kinetic theory of gas and kinetic equation of gas. RMS average and most probable velocity. Deviation from ideality. Vander Waal's constant. Ideal gas.
2. Chemical Kinetics Rate of reaction, factors affecting rate of reaction or Molecularity and order of reaction. First and Second order reaction. Half Life Activation energy.
3. Chemical Equation Law of Mass action. Equilibrium constant (Kp. Ke & Kx) i e. Chaterllier's principle, Relationship between Kp, Kc & kx.
4. Colloidal State Classification, Preparation of Colloidal Solution. Purification (Dialysis) Protective colloid. Gold no.. Emulsion, Stability of Colloids optical and electrical properties, coagulation Hardy-Schulz Law.
1. Structure of Atom Isotope, Isobar & Isotone, J. J. Thomson & Mullican's oil drop methods of determining the charge of an electron Rutherford's model. Bohr Model and defect. Correction. Theory of Atomic Spectra. Albau Principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Quantum no. Hund's Rule. Electronic Configuration writing for atom & ions,
2. Periodicity Electronic layout of the P.T. classification of elements Periodicity Atomic radii. ionic radii, Ionisation Potential & Energy Electron affinity. Electronegativity, Modern periodic table. Naming of elements having atomic no. more than one hundred, Merit demerits of P.T.
3. Chemical Bonding Hydrogen bond, Metallic bond, Fajan's rule, Valence bond theory, Hybridisation and shape and structure of simple covalent molecules and ions VSEPR Theory.
4. Chemistry of the elements occurrence metallurgy, General Characteristic, General Chemistry and important compounds of Ag Au, Sn, Pb and B.
1. General concepts of Hybridisation Shape and structure of simple organic compounds & ions. Tetravalent of carbon Fission and its kinds. Reaction and its types reagents & types. General Idea of inductive effect. Mesomeric effect & hyper Conjugation.
2. Alcohol Classification, Nomenclature, Dihydric & Trihydric Alcohol-Glycol, Glycerol General method of preparation. properties & uses. Their occurrence and isolation, Structure of Glycerol.
3. Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic acid General methods of Synthesis. Properties and uses. Difference between Aldehyde & Ketones. Reactivity and acid characters of Aldehyde and ketones. Strength of carboxylic acids, preparation of acid derivatives.
4. Amines & Urea Structure, Nomenclature effect due to substituents classfication and separation of amine mixture (primary. secondary & tertiary) basie strength of amines method of synthesis. properties & Urea-Preparation, Properties. Uses.


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