LNMU B.Sc. part-2 physics (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical
Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 physics (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical
There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 75 marks besides a one practical paper of three hours duration carrying 25 marks.
[Full marks - 75]
The question paper will consist of three groups. Group-A will have six short type questions out of which three will have to be answered. Group-B and C will have four questions each, out of which two questions will have to be answered from each group. Question number one will be compulsory.
Electromagnetic theory :- Maxwell's equation of electromagnetic waves Electric and Magnetic voctors perpendicular to the direction of propagation, Polynting vector.
X-rays :- Production and properties of X-rays, Mosley's law, Bragg's law and its experimental verification.
Laser :- Principle of laser action, condition of laser coherence spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein's A and B coefficients, Ruby laser, He-Ne laser, Population inversion.
Suggested Books :-
(1) Physics, Vol-2. Resnick and Halliday.
(2) Electricity and magnetism S. Mahajan and A. A. Rangwal (TMH).
(3) Physical optics-A. K. Ghatak.
(4) Introduction to Modern Physics -H. S. Mani and G. K. Mehta.
[Full marks - 25]
The course shall include the following experiments. One of which will have to be performed.
1. Spectrometer determination of angle of prism.
2. Spectrometer: determination of refractive index of prism.
3. Magnifying power of a telescope.
4. Magnifying power of a microscope.
5. Determination of wavelength of a light source by Newton's ring.
6. Resolving power of a telesc pe.
7. Measurement of Dip by (a) Dip circle (b) Earth inductor.
8. Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter by a potentiometer.
9. Figure of merit of a given Moving coil galvanometer.
10. Determination of B.G. constant and log decrement.
11. Temperature variation of electrical remittances.
There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 75 marks besides a one practical paper of three hours duration carrying 25 marks.
Thery Paper
[Time - 3 hours][Full marks - 75]
The question paper will consist of three groups. Group-A will have six short type questions out of which three will have to be answered. Group-B and C will have four questions each, out of which two questions will have to be answered from each group. Question number one will be compulsory.
There will be only one question from this group, which will be compulsory Six short type questions from topics in Group B and C wil be asked. Examinees will be expected to answer any three of them.
Group-B (Optics, Electromagnetic theory, X-rays and Laser)
optics :- Light as an electromagnetic wave; Full electromagnetic spectrum, properties of electromagnetic waves, Young's experiment, intensity distribution, conditions of interference, interference in thin films, Newton's ring, Frensel and Fraunhofer class, Fresnel's half period zones, zone plate, Fraunhofer diffraction due to a single silt and plane transmission grating.Electromagnetic theory :- Maxwell's equation of electromagnetic waves Electric and Magnetic voctors perpendicular to the direction of propagation, Polynting vector.
X-rays :- Production and properties of X-rays, Mosley's law, Bragg's law and its experimental verification.
Laser :- Principle of laser action, condition of laser coherence spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein's A and B coefficients, Ruby laser, He-Ne laser, Population inversion.
(Electrostatics, Current electricity, magnetism and Nuclear Physics) :- Magnet Boundary conditions at the surface of separation of two dielectrics. dielectric polarization. Magnetic shell, Langevin and wels thedry of dia, para and ferromagnetism, Curie law, Production and measurementrat strong magnetic field, Magnetic circuit and electromagnets. Thermodynamic treatment of Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson effect and their applications, Moving coil aperiodic and ballistic galvanometer, growth and decay of current in electrical circuits, Oscillatory discharge of a condenser, AC circuits LR, CR and LCR circuits), Complex impedance and reactan power factor, de sauty bridge, Anderson bridge, Carey Foster bridge. Photoelectric emission, Einstein photoelectric equation, Photoelectric, Photoconductive and Photovoltaic cells. Elementary ideas about nucleus and its structure, Binding energy, Size of nucleus and its determination, Natural radioactivity, Rutherford Sodd theory of radioactive decay, Discovery of neutron, Isotopes, Artificial radioactivity, Nuclear fission, Reactors. Aston mass spectrograph, Geiger-Muller counter, scintillation counter.Suggested Books :-
(1) Physics, Vol-2. Resnick and Halliday.
(2) Electricity and magnetism S. Mahajan and A. A. Rangwal (TMH).
(3) Physical optics-A. K. Ghatak.
(4) Introduction to Modern Physics -H. S. Mani and G. K. Mehta.
Practical (sub./gen.)
[Time - 3 hours][Full marks - 25]
The course shall include the following experiments. One of which will have to be performed.
1. Spectrometer determination of angle of prism.
2. Spectrometer: determination of refractive index of prism.
3. Magnifying power of a telescope.
4. Magnifying power of a microscope.
5. Determination of wavelength of a light source by Newton's ring.
6. Resolving power of a telesc pe.
7. Measurement of Dip by (a) Dip circle (b) Earth inductor.
8. Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter by a potentiometer.
9. Figure of merit of a given Moving coil galvanometer.
10. Determination of B.G. constant and log decrement.
11. Temperature variation of electrical remittances.