LNMU B.Sc. Part-3 Physics General/Pass Course Syllabus With Practical
Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga B.Sc. Part-3 Physics General/Pass Course Syllabus With Practical
There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 75 marks besides a one practical paper of three hours duration carrying 25 marks.
LNMU Darbhanga B.Sc. Part-3 Physics General/Pass Course Theory Paper Syllabus
The question paper will consist of three groups. Group A will have six short type questions out of which three will have to be answered. Group B and C will have four questions cach, out of which two questions will have to be answered from each group. Question number one will be compulsory.
It will consist of six short type questions from topics in Group B and Group C. Out of which any three will have to be answered.
Quantum mechanics, Solid State Physics Origin of quantum theory, de Broglie concept of matter waves, wave particle duality, experimental demonstration of matter waves, postulates of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave equation and its application to (i) particle in one dimensional square well (ii) particle in a box (iii) transmission across a potential barrier.
Crystal structure: Periodicity, Lattices and Bases, Unit cell, Wigner Seitz cell, Simple crystal structure of NaCl. CaCl, Laue's theory of crystal diffraction, Bragg's law, Laue patterns,Concept of cohesive energy. Covalent Vander waals, ionic and metallic binding, Vander waal-London interaction and Cohesive energy of inert gas crystals, Madelung energy and Madelung constants, free electron theory of metals : Sommerfield's model, Density of states, Ohm's law and Wiedemann-Franz law, Band theory of solids, Bloch's theorem, Distinction between metal, insulator and semiconductor, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, Conductivity due to n- type and p- type semiconductors. Hall effect. Hall coefficient and its experimental determination.
Thermionics : Richardson's equation and its experimental verification Child-Langmuir equation. p-n junction, Majority and Minority carriers. Zener and Tunnel diodes, Light emitting diodes, Transistor characteristics in common base, common emitter and common collector mode, Graphical analysis of the common emitter configuration. Low frequency equivalent circuits, Hybrid parameters.Circuit theory: Superposition theorem, Thevenin, Norton, Maximum power transfer theorem, One port and Two port network (only h parameter). T and x equivalence of two port network, Ladder network and constant K fillers (low and high pass).
Half wave and full wave rectifiers, power supply with special reference to smoothing circuit and voltage stabilization by a cold cathode valve and zener diode, A F amplifiers (RC), feedhack amplifier, push pll power amplifier, simple circuit for oscillations: Hartley and Colpitt oscillator, R.C oscillator Astable multivibrator, Cathode ray oscilloscope and its applications Logic circuit-AND, OR, NAND, NOR operations.
LNMU Darbhanga Part-3 B.Sc. Physics Pass Or General Course Practical Syllabus Or Questions
1. Characteristic of p -n junction.2. Characteristics of BJT.
3. Characteristics of FET.
4. Verification of Child Langmuir law.
5. Frequency response of RC coupled amplifier.
6. Use of oscilloscope to measure (i) voltage (ii) current (iii) frequency.
7. Comparison of capacitances by de Sauty bridge.
8. Measurement of inductance by Anderson bridge.