LNMU B.Sc. Part-2 Zoology (Sub./Gen.) Syllabus With Practical
LNMU B.Sc. Part-2 Zoology Subsidiary And General Course Theory Paper Syllabus
Time:- 3 HoursFull Marks:- 75
In all 08 questions are to be set, four from each group. Five questions are to be answered, selecting at least two from each group.
Cell Biology and Biochemistry
1. The Cell-Ultra structure of cell. 2. Ultra structure of Ribosomes; Golgi body & Mitochondria.
3. Ultra structure of Chromosome.
4. Cell cycle.
5. An elementary idea of cell transformation and cancer.
6. Immunity.
7. Water as a biological solvent.
8. Carbohydrate- Structure & classification.
9. Protein-Structure & classification.
10. Vitamins.
Physiology, Endocrinology and Developmental Biology
1. Respiratory pigments. 2. Circulation-Blood composition and coagulation. 3. Digestion and absorption.
4. Structure and function of Pituitary Thyroid, Adrenal, Islets of Langerhans in mammals.
5. Gametogenesis-Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.
6. Fertilization.
7. Types of Egg.
8. Gastrulation in Chick.
9. Extra embryonic membranes in Chick.
10. Placenta.
LNMU B.Sc. Part-2 Zoology Subsidiary And General Course Practical Syllabus
Time:- 3 HoursFull Marks:- 25
1. Estimation of haemoglobin. {05}
2. Glucose detection by Benediet's Reagent. {03}
3. Spotting: {07}
Histological slides -2
Embryological slides -2
Cytological slides -3
4. Class records. {05}
5. Viva-voce. {05}