LNMU B.Sc. Part-2 Zoology Honours Syllabus (Paper-3 and paper-4) With Practical

LNMU B.Sc. Part-2 Zoology Honours Paper-3 Syllabus

Time:- 3 Hours
Full Marks:- 75

In all 08 questions are to be set, four from each group. Five questions are to be answered, selecting at least two from each group.

Cell Biology
1. Concept of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells.
2. Plasma membrane: Molecular organization. Transport of substances across membrane.
3. ultra-structure and functions of mitrochondria. Golgibody, Ribosomes and Chromosome.
4. Cytoskeleton.
5. Cell Division- Mitosis and Meiosis.
6. Microtubules.
7. Microfilaments.
8 Stem cells.
9. Senescence.
10. Microbodies.

1. Laws of Heredity.
2. Linkage and Crossing over.
3. Chromosome Mapping.
4. Interaction of genes.
5. Multiple alleles.
6. Sex-determination.
7. Sex-linked inheritance.
8. Non-chromosomal inheritance.
9. Chromosomal aberrations.
10. Gene mutation.

LNMU B.Sc. Part-2 Zoology Honours Paper-4 Syllabus

Time:- 3 Hours
Full Marks:- 75

In all 08 questions are to be set, four from each group. Five questions are to be answered, selecting at least two from each group.

Reproductive Biology 
1. Structure and function of mammalian ovary.
2. Reproductive cycle in vertebrates.
3. Parturition and its regulation.
4. Structure of mammary gland and Hormonal Control of lactation.
5. Structure and function of mammalian testis.
6. In Vitro Fertilizaiton and Embryo Transfer.
7. Biochemistry of semen.
8. Amniocentesis.
9. Twins.

1. Introduction to Biostatistics.
2. Mean, Median and Mode.
3. Standard deviation and Standard error.
4.Analysis of variance.
5. Probability distribution and their properties.
6. Chi-square test and Student's t" test.
7. Correlation.
8. Regression.

LNMU B.Sc. Part-2 Zoology Honours Practical Syllabus

Time:- 3 Hours
Full Marks:- 50

1. Diagrammatic representation of Afferent & Efferent Blood Vessels, Cranial Nerves, Internal ear of fish. {10}
2. Mounting of the material provided. {05}
3. Spoting-Bones -2 (Frog, Varanus, Birds & Mammal)
Museum Specimen - 1
Slides- Histology - 2 and
Embryology - 2
Biometry- Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation Standard Error. {20}
4. Class Records & Field work 4. {05}
5. Viva-Voce. {10}


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