LNMU B.Sc. Part-3 Mathematics General Course Syllabus
LNMU, Darbhanga B.Sc. Part-3 Mathematics General Course Syllabus
Time:- 3 HoursFull Marks:- 100
Stress should be given on development of ideas and theories rather than on solving problems, answers should be short and intelligent. Answer any eight questions selecting at least one from each group.
Vector Analysis
Triple products, differentiation of a vector function differentiation of a product of two vectors. Gradient of a scalar, divergent of a scalorw. divergence and curl of a vector in cartesian co-orinates. (4 questions)
Reduction of general plane system equation of the line of action of forces coplanar conditions for a system of forces to be in equilibrium. principle of virtual work, simple Harmonic motion spring and strings. Hooke's law motion in a plane components of velocity and acceleation and transverse tangential and normal. (5 questions)
Differential equation of the first order,separation of variables, homogenous exact differential equations equations of the first order but not of the first degree, including clairants forms, orthogonal linear differential of second order with constant coefficients complementary functions and particular integrals. (4 questions)
Group- D
Convex sets and their properties, linear programming problem Graphical solutions, theory of simple method and their simple applications. (3 questions)