LNMU B.Sc. Part-3 Chemistry General/Pass Course Syllabus With Practical
LNMU, Darbhanga B.Sc. Part-3 Chemistry General/Pass Course Theory Paper Syllabus
Time:- 3 Hours
Full Marks:- 100
Pass Marks:- 45
One question is compulsory which will be very short answer type. Five questions in all to be answered, at least one question from each group to be answered.
1. Solution and Collegative Properties : Ideal & Non-ideal solution. Collegative Properties. Relative lowering of vapour pressure-Raoults Law. Elevation in boiling point. Depression of freeezing point. Osmosis. Abnormal molecular mass. Vant Hoff's factor.
2. Liquid State:
Structure of liquid. Types. properties of liquid and their experimental method of determination. Vapour pressure. Surface tension. Parachor viscosity and Refracture Index.
3. Photochemistry:
Photochemical and thermal reaction. Laws of photochemistry. Quantum efficiency. Jabolansky diagram and explanation of photosynthesis, phosporoscence. Luminiscence.
4. Adsorption:
Adsorption & Absorption. Physical and Chemical Adsorption. Frendlech Langmuir's and Gibb's adsorption isotherm.
1. Nuclear Chemistry:Nuclear stability. Nuclear binding energy. Mass defect. Packing fraction. Artificial radioactivity. Identification and Separation of the isotopes. Nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission. Nuclear reaction and balancing of nuclear reaction.
2. Chemistry of Transition Metals:
General chemistry of Ist & 2nd series of elements of transition metals. Study of Mn. Cr. Ni & Co. with reference to electronic configuration. Oxidation states Valency. Position in P.T occurrence, principle of extraction. Important compounds colour of their compounds, their preparation properties and uses. Analytical test of their ions.
3. Magnetic Properties:
Types of magnetic behaviours. Para-magnetism. Ferromagnetism. and anti-ferromagnetism. Curie Law. Curie-Weiss Law, Bohr Magneton. Application of magnetic moment data for 3d-metal complexes. Method of determination of magnetic susceptibility. Gouy's method.
4. Co-ordination Chemistry:
Isomerism in Co-ordination compounds. V.B. Theory. Structural of 4& 6 Co-ordianated complexes for V.B. Theory. Failure of V.B. Theory. Elementary idea of Crystal field theory. Crystal field splitting in octahedral and tetrahedral complexes. Magnetic properties and colour of the complexes, factor affecting crystal field parameters.
5. Acid and Base:
Classification of Acid & Bases. Hard & Soft acid, Base hardness & Softness. Symbiosis. Electronegativity and Hardness of the acids.
1. Name reactions: Aldol condensation. Diel's Alder reaction. Hofmann Bromide reactions. Claesen condensation. Pinacol-Pinaolone rearrangement.
2. Synthetic reapents:
Synthetic application of the following reapents in organic synthesis Anhydrous aluminium chioride. Lithium aluminiun hydride. HI0, H,0,. NBS.
3. Colour &Constitution:
Colour & Constitution, theory of Dyes. Classification of dyes. Study of the following dyes. Azo-dyes. Triphny Imethane dyes. Phthaleni dyes (synthesis only).
4. Fats, Oils &Detergents:
Natural fats. Edible oils, Glycerinder. Saponification value. Iodine number Soap & Detergents.
5. Stereochemistry:
Confirmational and configurational isomerism. Geometrical Isomerism. Optical isomerism (DL & RS-Nomenclature) (EZ-isomerism) Conformation of ethane 1,2-diol, n-outane.
6. Heterocyclic compounds:
Study of Furan. Ihiophene. Pyrole. Pyridine. Quinolene ( Method of synthesis. Properties and uses).
LNMU, Darbhanga B.Sc. Part-3 Chemistry General/Pass Course Practical Syllabus And Questions
Time:- 3 Hours
Full Marks:- 25
Pass Marks:- 10
Any one of the following:- {15}
1. Preparation of Simple organic Compounds
Benzoic acid by hydrolysis of ester
Benzoic acid by oxidation
Preparation of m-dinitrobenzene
2. Analysis of simple organic compounds containing one functional group-(Phonolic).
B. Viva Voce:-{05}
C. Note Book:- {05}