B.Sc. Part-1 Practical Chemistry Book Honours and Subsidiary Paper
B.Sc. Part-1 Practical Chemistry Book Honours and Subsidiary Paper.
Analysis is done to find out the constituents and their amount in a compound. In the analysis of a solid sample, the ingredients present in it can be salts, acids, bases, metals and their compounds; in case of a solution, it dissociates into two charged species called Cation and Anion. The positively charged species are called cations or basic radicals while the negatively charged species are called Anions or Acidic radicals.
Analysis of a sample may be of two categories:
(A) Qualitative Analysits
(B) Quantitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis:
Qualitative Inorganic analysis or Salt Analysis is done to determine the constituents present in a given sample the processes and methods involved in Qualitative Analysis, make us enable to state the name of the constituents present in it. The basis of the determination of the constituents is the observed chemical behaviours of them.
Types of Qualitative Analysis:
Based upon the scale of operations involved in the Practicals, Qualitative Analysis is further divided into four sub-categories.
(a) Macro Scale or Macro Analysis
(b) Semi Micro Scale or Meso Analysis
(c) Micro Scale or Micro Analysis
(d) Ultra Micro Scale or Ultra Micro Analysis
(a) Macro scale or Macro Analysis : If the qualitative Analysis is done at a large scale so that the amount of substance lies between 0.1 gm to 1 gm or in case of solution, the volume is greater than 10 ml, then the scale of Qualitative Analysis is called Macro Scale. It is also called Gram Scale. It is the largest scale.
(b) Semi Micro Scale or Semi Micro Analysis : Semi Micro scale is shorter than Macro Scale. If the quantity of the substance lies between 10 mg-100 mg or in case of solutions, the volume is about 1 ml, then the analysis is called to be done on Semi Micro or Meso Scale.
(c) Micro Scale or Micro Analysis : If the quantity of the substance is about 1-10 mg or the volume of the solution is about 0.1 ml, then the scale of Qualitative analysis is called Micro Scale or Milligram scale. Usually, it is the smallest scale but some times a very smaller scale (smaller than micro scale) can also introduced.
(d) Ultramicro Scale of Analysis : In the quantity of substance is less than 1 mg. or the volume of solution is less than 0.1 ml. This scale is very rare.
The Qualitative analysis of a sample is incomplete without the tests. There are two tests to be done in the following manner :
(i) Preliminary or Dry test
(ii) Wet Test
B.Sc. part-1 chemistry practical book theory and what to do in practical. You can write given tests in you practical notebook.
Preliminary Tests or dry Tests provide us the preliminary information about the certain radicals present in the mixture. Though these tests are not conclusive, means we can not make any decision about the prodicals in the mixture but provide us many valuable information regarding the presence of the radicals in the sample. These tests are also not time consuming but they are done very quickly. The tests include various process like :
(I) Examination of the physical properties like smell, colour, state. density, boiling point, melting points etc.
(ii) Dry Heating Test
(iii) Charcoal Cavity Test
(iv) Cobalt Nitrate Test
(v) Flame Test
(vi) Borax-Bead Test
(vii) Castic soda Test
(vii) Dil. Sulphuric Acid test
(ix) Pottassium Permangnate Test
(x) Con. Sulphuric Acid Test
(xi) Special Dry Test
(i) Physical Examination of the Mixture : The physical examination of a mixture involves the test of the physical properties of a mixture like colour, smell, solubility, state, density etc. The colour and the state give valuable information about the nature of the acid radicles where as the solubility tels about the nature of the acid radicles.
(a) Colour : Some ions have their colour which helps us in finding useful information about them. The following table gives the information about certain ions and their colours.
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Honours first year chemistry practical book.
Honours part 1 chemistry practical book download.
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B.Sc. part 1 chemistry practical.
B.Sc. Chemistry practical.
Analysis is done to find out the constituents and their amount in a compound. In the analysis of a solid sample, the ingredients present in it can be salts, acids, bases, metals and their compounds; in case of a solution, it dissociates into two charged species called Cation and Anion. The positively charged species are called cations or basic radicals while the negatively charged species are called Anions or Acidic radicals.
Analysis of a sample may be of two categories:
(A) Qualitative Analysits
(B) Quantitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis:
Qualitative Inorganic analysis or Salt Analysis is done to determine the constituents present in a given sample the processes and methods involved in Qualitative Analysis, make us enable to state the name of the constituents present in it. The basis of the determination of the constituents is the observed chemical behaviours of them.
Types of Qualitative Analysis:
Based upon the scale of operations involved in the Practicals, Qualitative Analysis is further divided into four sub-categories.
(a) Macro Scale or Macro Analysis
(b) Semi Micro Scale or Meso Analysis
(c) Micro Scale or Micro Analysis
(d) Ultra Micro Scale or Ultra Micro Analysis
(a) Macro scale or Macro Analysis : If the qualitative Analysis is done at a large scale so that the amount of substance lies between 0.1 gm to 1 gm or in case of solution, the volume is greater than 10 ml, then the scale of Qualitative Analysis is called Macro Scale. It is also called Gram Scale. It is the largest scale.
(b) Semi Micro Scale or Semi Micro Analysis : Semi Micro scale is shorter than Macro Scale. If the quantity of the substance lies between 10 mg-100 mg or in case of solutions, the volume is about 1 ml, then the analysis is called to be done on Semi Micro or Meso Scale.
(c) Micro Scale or Micro Analysis : If the quantity of the substance is about 1-10 mg or the volume of the solution is about 0.1 ml, then the scale of Qualitative analysis is called Micro Scale or Milligram scale. Usually, it is the smallest scale but some times a very smaller scale (smaller than micro scale) can also introduced.
(d) Ultramicro Scale of Analysis : In the quantity of substance is less than 1 mg. or the volume of solution is less than 0.1 ml. This scale is very rare.
The Qualitative analysis of a sample is incomplete without the tests. There are two tests to be done in the following manner :
(i) Preliminary or Dry test
(ii) Wet Test
B.Sc. part-1 chemistry practical book theory and what to do in practical. You can write given tests in you practical notebook.
Preliminary Tests or dry Tests provide us the preliminary information about the certain radicals present in the mixture. Though these tests are not conclusive, means we can not make any decision about the prodicals in the mixture but provide us many valuable information regarding the presence of the radicals in the sample. These tests are also not time consuming but they are done very quickly. The tests include various process like :
(I) Examination of the physical properties like smell, colour, state. density, boiling point, melting points etc.
(ii) Dry Heating Test
(iii) Charcoal Cavity Test
(iv) Cobalt Nitrate Test
(v) Flame Test
(vi) Borax-Bead Test
(vii) Castic soda Test
(vii) Dil. Sulphuric Acid test
(ix) Pottassium Permangnate Test
(x) Con. Sulphuric Acid Test
(xi) Special Dry Test
(i) Physical Examination of the Mixture : The physical examination of a mixture involves the test of the physical properties of a mixture like colour, smell, solubility, state, density etc. The colour and the state give valuable information about the nature of the acid radicles where as the solubility tels about the nature of the acid radicles.
(a) Colour : Some ions have their colour which helps us in finding useful information about them. The following table gives the information about certain ions and their colours.
Keywords :
Honours first year chemistry practical book.
Honours part 1 chemistry practical book download.
B.Sc. part 1 chemistry practical book online read.
B.Sc. part 1 chemistry practical.
B.Sc. Chemistry practical.