LNMU B.Sc. part-2 Botany (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 Botany (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical

[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 75]

There shall be one theory and one practical paper consisting of 75 marks and 25 marks respectively, each paper shall be of 3 hours duration.
The paper shall consist of Angiosperms, Taxonomy, Anatomy and Embryology, Plant Physiology questions are to be set. Candidates are required to answer five questions selecting at least one from each group. Question No. 1 will be of short answer type and compulsory.
GROUP-A Angiosperms Taxonomy
1. Botanical nomenclature.
2. Systems of classification of Bentham and Hooker, and Hutchinson.
3. Diagnostic features and economic irnportance of the following families: Ranunculaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Polygonaceae.
GROUP-B Anatomy and Embryology 
1. Meristem.
2. Anatomical adaptation in Hydrophytes and xerophytes.
3. Anomalous secondary growth in the following types Nyctanthus, Achyranthes, Tinospora and Dracaena.
4. Microsporogenesis and microgemetogenesis.
5. Microsporogenesis and female gametophyte.
6. Endosperm.
7. Embryo.
Group-C plant Physiology 
1. Diffusion, Osmosis, DPD, Plasmolysis, Water potential, Absorption of water, Ascent of sap and Transpiration.
2. Nature and properties of Enzymes.
3. Photosynthesis: Photophosphorylation and Calvin cycle.
4. Respiration Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Glycolysis, TCA cycle.
5. Growth hormones Auxin and Gibberellin.
6. Photoperiodism and Vernalization.
1. Plant and environment.
2. Ecosystern: Structure and function.
3. Air and water pollution.

BOTANY (Sub/Gen.) 
[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 25]

1. Description and identification of Angiospermic plants belonging to the families prescribed in the syllabus. 06
2. Temporary slides preparation and identification of stems having abnormal secondary growth (As per syllabus 04
3. Comment upon simple physiologial experiments included in the syllabus 03
4. Anatomical adaptations of HydrophytesXerophytes 04
5. spotting. 04
6. Practical records and Viva-voce 04


Unknown said…
Thank you so much for this information

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