LNMU B.Sc. part-1 Physics Honours syllabus (lnmu darbhanga, Bihar first year syllabus)

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 Physics honours syllabus. Lnmu darbhanga,

There shall be two theory papers, each of three hours duration and shall carry 75 marks each. There shall be one practical paper of 50 marks of three hours duration.


Five questions to be answered. Question no. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from Group A and Group B. Two  questions from each Group will have to be answered, besides question number one which will be compulsory. The questions will be of equal value.
Mathematical Physics and Properties of Matter
Infinite sequence and series-convergence and divergence, Functions of  several variables-partial differentiation, Taylor's series, multiple integrals, random variables and probabilities-statistical expectations value, variance, analysis of random ertors, probability distribution functions (Binomial, Gaussian and poisson).
Transformation Properties of vectors, Differentiation and integration of vectors; Line integral, volume integral and surface integral involving vector fields; Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector field, Gauss's divergence theorem, Stokes theorem, Green's theorem-application to simple problem; Orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinate systems, unit vectors in each systems, illustration by plane, spherical and cylindrical co-ordinate systems only.
    Relation between elastic constants, Twisting torque on a cylinder of wire. Bending of beam, cantilever, flat spiral spring. Kinematics of moving fluids, poiseuille's equation for flow of a liquid through a capillary tube, viscosity, experimental determination of coefficient of viscosity of a liquid, Rankine's method for measuring viscosity of gas, surface tension and surface energy, excess pressure inside an air bubble, measurement of surface tension by ripple's method.
Special theory of relativity, Oscillations, waves and accoustics
Michelson-Morley experiments and it's outcome, postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, simultaneity and order of events, length contraction, time dilation, relativistic transformation of velocity, relativistic addition of velocity, variation of mass with velocity, mass energy equivalence, relativistic Doppler effect.
    Damped and forced Oscillations, critical damping, resonance, waves in one-dimensional chain of particles, classical wave equation, waves in continuous media, energy transmission in waves, group velocity and phase velocity.
  Fourier analysis and it's applications, intensity of sound waves, acoustic of building, reverberation, Sabine's formula.

*Text and reference books :
1. Introduction to mathematical Physics-C. Harper (PHI)
2. Mathematical methods- M.C. Potter and J. Goldberg (PHI)

Five questions to be answered. Question no. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from group A and group B. Two questions from each group will have to be answered , besides question no. 1 which will be compulsory. The questions will be equal value.
Thermal Physics
Kinetic theory of gases : Basic assumptions of Kinetic theory, Ideal gas approximation, deduction of perfect gas laws. Maxwell's distribution law (both in terms of velocity and energy ), root mean square and most probable speeds. Finite size of molecules : Collision probability. Distribution of free paths and mean free path from maxwell's distribution. Degrees of freedom, equipartition of energy (detailed derivation not required).
Transport Phenomena : Viscocity, thermal conduction and diffusion of gases, Brownian motion; Einstein's theory, Perrin's work determination of Avogadro number.
Real gases : Nature of intermolecular interaction, Isotherms of rea gases. Vander-Waals equation of state, critical constants of a gas, law of corresponding states, Virial coefficients, Boyle's temperature.
Conduction of Heat : Thermal conductivity, diffusivity, Fourier's equation for heat conduction-its solution for rectilinear and radial (spherical and cylindrical) flow of heat.
Radiation : Spectral emissive and absorptive powers, Kirchoff's law blackbody radiation, energy density, radiation pressure, stefan Boltzman law, Wein's displacement law, Rayleigh-Jeans law, Planck's law (no detailed derivation).
Basic Concepts : Microscopic and mac point of views thermodynamic variables of a system, State function. exact and inexact differentials.
First Law of Thermodynamics : Thermal equilibrium. Zeroth law and the concept of temperature. Thermodynamic equilibrium internal energy. external work, qu static process, first law of thermodynamics and applications including magnetic systems, specific heats and their ratio, isothermal and adiabatic changes in perfect and real gases.
Second law of thermodynamics : Reversible and irreversible processes, indicator diagram. Carnot's cycles-efficiency, Carnot's theorem, Kelvin's scale of temperature, relation to perfect gas scale. second law of thermodynamics-different formulations and their equivalence, Clausius inequality, entropy change of entropy in simple reversible and irreversible processes, entropy and disorder, equilibrium and entropy principle, principle of degradation of energy.
Thermodynamic Functions : Enthalpy, Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies, Legendre transformations, Maxwell's relations and simple deductions using these relations, thermodynamic equilibrium and free energies.
Change of State Equilibrium between phases, triple point, Gibb's phase rule (statement only) and simple applications. First and higher order phase transitions, Ehrenfest criterion. Clausius-Clapeyronn's equation. Joule Thomson effect, Temperature of inversion.
Electrostatics and Magnetism
Gauss' law : Coulomb's law of electrostatics. intensity and potential theorem-its application, Poisson and Laplace's equation Superposition theorem (statement only) Application of Laplace equation to simple cases of symmetric spherical charge distribution.
Multipole expansion : Multipole expansion of scalar potential- monopole, dipole and quadrupole terms: potential and field due to a dipole: work done in deflecting a dipole: dipole-dipole interaction (for both electric and magnetic dipoles): force on dipole in a non- homogenous field.
Dielectrics Polarisation, electric displacement vector (D): Gauss theorem in dielectric media: boundary conditions: electrostatic field energy: computation of capacitance in simple cases (parallel plates): spherical and cylindrical capacitors containing dielectrics-uniform and non-uniform, relation between three electric vector.
 Electrical images : Solution of field problem in case of a point charge near a grounded conducting infinite plane. Boundary value problem in uniform external field for (i) conducting spherical shell and dielectric sphere.
Magnetic effect of steady current : Magnetic field B. Magnetic force between current elements and definition of B. Magnetic flux Biot-Savart's law B due to straight current carrying conductor and (ii) current loop. Current loop as magnetic dipole and its dipole moment (analogy with electric dipole), Ampere's circuital law (integral and differential forms) B due to a Properties of B, Curl and Divergence of B. Vector potential. Forces on an isolated moving charge, Magnetic force on a current carrying wire, Torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field.
Magnetic Properties of Matter : Magnetism of matter: Gauss's l of magnetism (integral and Differential forms). Magnetization current, Relative permeability of a material, Magnetic susceptibility Magnetization vector (M), Magnetic intensity (H); Relation between B, M and H. Stored magnetic energy in matter, Magnetic circuit. BH curve and energy loss in hysteresis.
Electromagnetic induction : Faraday's law (Differential and integral forms), Lenz's law. Self and mutual induction. Energy stored in a magnetic field.


Unknown said…
First year exam date bata sakte h mai 2018 me addmision liya hun LNMU me
Sonu Jha said…
If your admission is taken in 2018 then the test can take place in June-July 2019. UG-1 exams are conducted only after 9-10 months of admission. Examinations will be done in 5-10 days intervals when the application forms will be filled. It is most likely that only a few days after the examination of the UG-3, the first year exam will be taken.
Sonu Jha said…
First Year के exams एडमिशन के 9-10 महीने बाद होते हैं। जब first year के exam फॉर्म लिए जाएंगे उसके 10-15 दिनों बाद ही exams भी होंगे। exam schedule फॉर्म भरने के date के कुछ ही समय बाद प्रकासित कर दिया जाएगा। पहले थ्योरी पेपर के exams होंगे और उसके 15-20 दिनों के बाद practical के exams होंगे। Theory Paper के exam date और सेंटर आपको ऑनलाइन बताया जाएगा। प्रैक्टिकल के exam date और सेंटर आपको अपने कॉलेज में ही बताया जाएगा। प्रैक्टिकल के एग्जाम date और सेंटर वेबसाइट पर प्रकासित नहीं किये जाते हैं। जब थ्योरी पेपर के exams सम्पन्न हो जाये तब कॉलेज जाकर प्रैक्टिकल के एग्जाम date और सेंटर पता कर लें।
Israrul Haque said…
Part 1 bsc physics honours (paper 1)m pass mark kitna hai
Anonymous said…
Mera bsc 1st year 2018 exam miss ho gya , or kisi karanwas uske bad college bhi nhi gya.
Kya me 2019 me exam de skta hu...
Plz reply sir
Unknown said…
Hello sir abhi exam ka form bhara ja rha hai kya sir please btaye or fees kitna lgega ye bhi
Sonu Jha said…
Ha aap exam de sakte hain. Process apne college se pata kar len.
Sonu Jha said…
College se pata karen.
Unknown said…
Sir,G.D. COLLEGE Begusarai se hoon,part 1 ka syllabus match karega aapka se.

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