LNMU B.Sc. part-1 chemistry honours syllabus

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-1 chemistry honours syllabus

Time- 3 hours
Full marks- 75
Physical and inorganic chemistry
Ten Questions to be set. One question is compulsory which is very short answer type covered from whole syllabus. Five to be answered atleast one from each group.
Physical Chemistry 
1. Gaseous state : Postulates of kinetic theory of gases. Kinetic gas equation. RMS Average and most probable velocities. Deviation from idealistics, Vander Waal's equation of states. Critical phenomenon- critical constants of a gas, relationship between critical constants and Vander Waal's constant. Law of corresponding states. Reduced equation of states. Liquidification of gases, Boyle's Temperature.
2. Solid State Types of solids. Types of crystals and forces there in Law of crystallography. Crystal Lattices. Space Lattice, Unit Cell. Radius ratio rule. Co-ordination number. Miller & Weiss Indices X Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg's Equation. Crystal structure of NaCl and KCI.
3. Colloidal State Difference amongst true solution. Colloidal Solution and Suspension, Difference between Lyophilic and Lyophobie Colloids, Kinetic optical and electrical properties of Colloids. Stability of Colloids, Hardy Schulz Law. Cogulation, Gold Number, Peptisation, Dialysis. Sols, Emultions and Gels. Application of colloids.
Inorganic Chemistry 
1. Atomic Structure Idea of de Broglie matter waves. Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave equation, significance of wave functions. Atomic orbitals, Quantum numbers, Aufbau and Paulis exclusion principles. Hund's multiplicity rule. Variation of orbital energies with atomic number and energy level diagram, electronic configuration of elements, effective nuclear charge and shielding, radial and angular wave functions and distribution curves. Shape of s pad. orbitals and their characteristics. Thomson's & Mullican's method for determination of charge of an electron
2. Periodic Properties Electronic layout of elements in P. T classification atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electrode potential (use of redox potential reaction feasibility), electron affinity and electronegativity-definition, methods of determination or evaluation, trends in periodic table and applications in predicting and explaining the chemical behaviour.
3. Chemical Bonding -
(i) lonic Bond : Types of ionic solids, radius ratio effect and coordination number, limitations of radius ratio. lattice defects. lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, solvation energy and solubility of ionic solids. polarizing power and polarizability, Fajan's rules
(i) Covalent Bond : Valence bond theory and its limitations, direcional characteristics of covalent bond, various types of hybridization and shapes of simple in molecules and ions such NH, H1o. SFA, CIF, ICI, and H,0 by valence shell electron pair theory, linear combination of atomic orbitals repulsion (VSEPR) e-nonbonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. (LCAo), bonding Applications of Mo theory to explain the stability ofhomo and hetero diatomic molecules, multi-centre bonding in electron- dinuclear deficient molecules B2H6
(iii) Bond Energy : Dissociation and average bond energies determination. periodic trends and applications. Metallic Bond. Free electron, valence bond and band theories. Weak Interactions Hydrogen Bond-experimental evidence, vander Waal's forces.
4. s Block Elements : (i) Hydride (Classification, general methods of preparation and salient features), hydration energies, solvation and complexation tendencies of alkali and alkine-eath metals. Principle of metallurgical extraction. Chemistry of Li and Be. their anomalous behaviour and diagonal relationships. Hydrogen peroxide-preparation, properties, uses and strength.
5. p-Block Elements : Comparative study (Group-wise) of group 13 & 14 elements with respect to periodic properties.Compounds such as hydrides, halides, oxides and oxy acids diagonal relationship. preparation, properties, Preparation, properties and technical applications of carbides and fluorocarbons, Silicons and structural principles of silicates.
(ii) ozone : Preparation, properties uses and structure and ozone layer.
(iii) Boron : occurrence, extraction, properties-Compounds-diborane. borazine, alkali metalborohydrides.
(iv) Tin & Lead : Occurrence, Metallurgy (Extraction), properties uses and important compounds including while Lead. Read Lead. Deadening of Tin, Analytical Test of Sn+2 , Sn+4.
(v) Noble Gas Discovery. Isolation, Separation Chemical properties and uses of Xenon and its compounds (Elementary Ideas).
6. Air Pollution and its control.
Time - 3 hours
Full marks - 75
Physical and organic chemistry
Ten questions to be set. Which is very short answer type covered from whole syllabus. Five to be answered at least one from each group.
Physical chemistry 
1. Solutions (Colligative Properties) : Type of solutions-Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions. Raoult's Law for dilute solution. Deviation of Non-ideal Solutions from ideality. Lowering of Vapour Pressure. Elevation of boiling point. Depression of Freezing point Determination of Molecular Weight of Solutes using these colligative properties. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure its experimenta determination. Relation between Osmotic Pressure. Concentration and Temperature. Abnormal Molecular Weight.
2. Ionic Equilibrium : Modern Concepts of Acids and Bases. Arrhenius Theory of Acid and Base. Bronsted and Lewis theory. Ionic Product of water pH, poH and pKn, Buffer solution, Henderson's Equation. Solubility Product and its application in qualitative analysis.
3. Chemical Kinetics : Molecularity and order of reaction, Kinetics of first and second order reactions Half life period for first and second order reaction. Kinetics of decomposition of H,0,. Inversion of Cane sugar and hydrolysis of easters. Zero order reactions. Determination of order of reactions.
Organic chemistry 
1. Bonding and General Concepts : Tetravalency of carbon, Isomerism structure & Stereo Isomerism elementary idea, Nomenclature of fused ring system, spiro compd, bridge boded compounds, cyclic and polycyclic compounds, Bond energy. Bond length, Bond angle, Hydrogen bond and hybridisation.
2. Reactions mechanism : Inductive effect, Electromeric effect Mesomeric effect, Hyper conjugation. Fission, types of reagent Reaction and its types-Substitution, Addition and Elimenation reactions with mechanism-Simple and elementary idea.
3. Polyhydroxy Compounds : Glycol, Glycerol, lsolation, chemical method of preparations. Properties, structure and identification, pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement. Periodic acid, oxidation of Glycol & Glycerol.
4. Amines and Urea : Amines. classification. preparation, properties. uses and test alliphatic and arometic amines. preparation properties and uses, Hofmann's Bromamide reaction, Carbylamine reactions Diazoreaction. Diazo-coupling reaction. Urea Preparation, properties. uses. Biurate test, structure of urea. Estimation of urea in a given sample.
5. Aldehyde & Ketones : Structure of carbonyl group. preparation. properties and uses. Aldol condensation. acetal formation. Cannizaro's reaction. Clemanson reduction. Wolf Kishner reduction. Popoff's rule. Acidic properties and reactivity of aldehyde and ketones.
6. Carboxylic acid and derivaties : Structure, Acid strength preparation, properties and uses of carboxylic acid, ester acid chloride anhydrides. Hell volhard zelinsky reaction Decarboxylation of acid.


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