LNMU B.Sc. part-2 chemistry (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical

Lalit narayan mithila university, Darbhanga B.Sc. part-2 chemistry (sub./gen.) Syllabus with practical


[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 75]
[Pass marks- 23]

One question is compulsory which will be very short answer type. Five questions in all to be answered at least one from each group to be answered.
1. Thermodynamics 1st law of thermodynamics, Enthalpy work done in isothermal and Adiabatic process. Extensive and intensive thermodynamics properties, Reversible and irreversible process. Cp & Cv and their relation. Kirchoff's law.
      2nd law of Thermodynamics work function. entropy free energy. Carnot theory & Carnot cycle, Gibbs free energy. Gibbs Helmholtz equation. Vants Hoff reaction isotherm. Vant's Hoffs equation. Vant Haff isochore.
2. Phase Rule Phase rule equation. Phase component and Degree of freedom. Transition point. Eutectic point. Phase diagram and its discussion of water and Sulphur system. Two component system (Pb-Ag, Fe-Cl3-H20).
3. Catalysis Types and characteristics of catalysis Hogdogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst. Mechanism & Kinetics of catalyst.
4. Electrochemistry Specific, Equivalent and molar conductance. Effect of dilution upon conductance. Kohlaursch's law. Ostwald dilution law. EMF; Standard Cell. Electrode, types of electrode. Nerst equation. Electrochemical series, Cell and Half cell reactions. Representaton of cell and electrode Experimental method for the determination on EMF of cell.
1. Radioactivity :- a-b and y rays, properties and emission, half life, Aerage life, Group displacement law, Radioactive disintegration. Nuclear reactions, Stability of the nucleus, Nuclear fission and nuclear energy.
2. Co-ordination compounds :- Simple, double salt and complex salt chemistry, IUPAC nomenclature of complex compounds, Wemers theory, Sidgwick's theory E, A, N, V. B, theory approach for complex compound.
3. Halogens :- Chemistry of fluorine, Hydrogen fluoride, Preparation, properties and uses of oxides and oxy acids of halogens.
4. Fertilizers :- N and P fertilizers, origanic fertilizers, N-cycle, water cycle, Constituent of soils (inorganic and organic).
5. Environmental chemistry Air Pollution and water Pollution. Factors for pollution, pollution control.
1. Active methylene compounds Keto-enol tautomerism, Preparation, properties and Application of Ethyl acetoacetate and diethyl malonate.
2. Hydroxy acid & Dicarboxylic acid :- hydroxy acid and classification. Nomenclature, General methods of preparation. Properties of hydroxy acid effect of Heat. Synthesis. Properties, Uses and structure of Lactic acid. Tartaric acid and Structure determination. Optical isomerism exhibited by lactic and tartaric acid. Preparation properties and uses of dicarboxylic acid Blane's rule.
3. Carbohydrates:- Classification, nomenclature, Open chain structure of Glucose & Fructose, Osazone formation Reaction of Aldose & Ketone Fisher and Haworth Structure of Aldoheose conversion of Aldose to Ketose and Lower Homoloue to higher homologuse and vice-versa. Mutarotation Epimers. Enantiomers.
4. Aromatic Compounds :- Benzene, Orientation. Directive influence o groups. Preparation. Properties & Uses of Benzene. Toluene. Nitrobenzene Aniline, Phenol, Benzene sulphonic acid. Benzaldehyde. Acetophenone. Benzoic and Benzene diazonium chloride.
   Reaction & Mechanism: Carbocation, Carbanion, Carbene free radicals, Friedel Craft's reaction. Diazo reaction. Diazocoupling reaction. Perkin reaction. wurtz fitting reaction. Benzilic acid rearangement, Fries rearrangement.


[Time- 3 hours]
[Full marks- 25]
[Pass marks- 10]

A. Any one of the following:   15
1. volumetric analysis, Redox Titration.
2. Estimation of Ca+2, Fe+2 in a given solution.
3. Determination of functional group in given organic compound.
4. Preparation of Aiylation oxidation for preparation of some inorganic compound.
B. Viva-voce              05
C. Test Notebook     05


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