
Showing posts from July, 2018

K.C. Sinha Class 10th Mathematics Book | Student's Friends Class 10th Book

K.C. Sinha Class 10th Mathematics Book | Student's Friends Class 10th Book 1.1. भूमिका (प्रस्तावना) (Introduction) :    कक्षा IX में हमने वास्तविक संख्याओं के बारे में पढ़ा है कि ये परिमेय (Rational) और अपरिमेय (Irrational), दो प्रकार की होती हैं। यहाँ हम धनात्मक पूर्णाकों (प्राकृतिक संख्याओं) के दो अति महत्त्वपूर्ण गुणों का अध्ययन करेंगे। ये गुण हैं-    यूक्लिड-विभाजन-एल्गोरिथ्म (Euclid's division algorithm) और अंकगणित की आधारभूत प्रमेय (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic) | यूक्लिड विभाजन एल्गोरिथ्म के अनुसार प्रत्येक धनात्मक पूर्णाक (प्राकृतिक संख्या) a को किसी अन्य (another) धनात्मक पूर्णाक b से इस प्रकार विभाजित किया जा सकता है कि शेषफल (Remainder) r प्राप्त हो, जहाँ 0≤r<b । इस कथन से स्पष्ट है कि यूक्लिड विभाजन ऐल्गोरिथ्म का सम्बन्ध पूर्णाकों की विभाज्यता से है। वास्तव में पूर्णाकों की विभाज्यता से सम्बन्धित यूक्लिड विभाज्यता एल्गोरिथ्म के अनेक महत्त्वपूर्ण अनुप्रयोग (Application) हैं। उदाहरण (जैसे) : (i) 25 को जब 8 से विभाजित किया जाता है तो भाग...

B.Sc. Part-1 Physics Practical Book Honours and Subsidiary Paper

B.Sc. Part-1 Physics Practical Book Honours and Subsidiary Paper. B.Sc. part-1 physics Viva-Voce questions and answers. Honours first year physics practical experiments and viva-voce. Aim of the Experiment : Determination of surface tension of liquid (water) by the method of Ripples. Apparatus Required:     (i) A pair of electrically maintained tuning forks of same frequency (or one electrically maintained tuning fork, a non-discharge-tube and a Rumkorft's induction coil).    (ii) A battery of cells.    (iii) A plug key.    (iv) A large and shallow rectangular porcelain trough (ripple tank), ex- perimental liquid (aniline or water).    (v) A porcelain scale with MM graduations.    (vi) A thermometer and    (vii) A stroboscopic diso arrangement. Theory:         The method is based upon generating ripples on water surface and measuring the wavelength 'λ' of these ...

B.Sc. Part-1 Practical Chemistry Book Honours and Subsidiary Paper

B.Sc. Part-1 Practical Chemistry Book Honours and Subsidiary Paper. Analysis is done to find out the constituents and their amount in a compound. In the analysis of a solid sample, the ingredients present in it can be salts, acids, bases, metals and their compounds; in case of a solution, it dissociates into two charged species called Cation and Anion. The positively charged species are called cations or basic radicals while the negatively charged species are called Anions or Acidic radicals.  Analysis of a sample may be of two categories:  (A) Qualitative Analysits  (B) Quantitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis:        Qualitative Inorganic analysis or Salt Analysis is done to determine the constituents present in a given sample the processes and methods involved in Qualitative Analysis, make us enable to state the name of the constituents present in it. The basis of the determination of the constituents is the observed chemical b...

LNMU Part-2 Results 2019, Lalit Narayan Mithila University 2nd Year BA/ B.Sc./B.Com Result 2019

LNMU Part-2 Results 2019, Lalit Narayan Mithila University 2nd Year BA/ B.Sc./B.Com Result 2019. College : Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga Courses : UG Courses Semester : Odd Semester Course Type : Regular Examination year: 2019 Result year : 2018 Scholarly Session : 2017-2020 Result : LNMU BA, B.Sc, B.Com part-2 Result 2019 Click Here To Check Your Result Appeared in the UG Degree 2nd Year examination of Lalit Narayan Mithila University and looking for the updates on Results? This post is all about LNMU Part 2 B.A, B.Com, B.Sc results 2019 and candidates can get each and every single updates on the results date and the full marksheet details. Examination of Degree second year of all the three streams Arts, Commerce & Science Hons./Gen./Voc. are finished in July 2019. University doesn't have any examination calendar yet and students often face this kind of delays in Exams and results. Now all you students are waiting for results and you are right pla...

LNMU Part-1 Results 2019 | Lalit Narayan Mithila University 1st Year BA/B.Sc./B.Com Result 2019

LNMU Part-1 Results 2019 | Lalit Narayan Mithila University 1st Year BA/B.Sc./B.Com Result 2019. College : Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga Courses : UG Courses Semester : Odd Semester Course Type : Regular Scholarly Session : 2018-2021 Result : LNMU BA, B.Sc, B.Com part-1 Result 2019 Appeared in the UG Degree 1st Year examination of Lalit Narayan Mithila University and looking for the updates on Results? This post is all about LNMU Part 1 B.A, B.Com, B.Sc results 2019 and candidates can get each and every single updates on the results date and the full marksheet details. Examination of Degree first year of all the three streams Arts, Commerce & Science Hons./Gen./Voc. are finished in July 2019. University doesn't have any examination calendar yet and students often face this kind of delays in Exams and results. Now all you students are waiting for results and you are right place. Here you can find all about lnmu part-1 result 2019 date and links. If you ...

परि‍णीता - प्रो. वीणा ठाकुर, मैथिली लघुकथा -विदेह पेटारसँ | Parineeta -Pro. Veena Thakur, Maithili short story - Viideha Patarsan

परि‍णीता - प्रो. वीणा ठाकुर, मैथिली लघुकथा -विदेह पेटारसँ | Parineeta -Pro. Veena Thakur, Maithili short story - Viideha Patarsan आइ डोमेस्‍टि‍क एयर पोर्ट दि‍ल्‍लीमे श्‍यामाक भेँट नीलसँ भेल छलनि‍। श्‍यामा थोड़ेक काल धरि‍ हतप्रभ रहि‍ गेल छलीह। नील-नील कहि‍ मोनक कोनो कोनमे हहाकारक लहरि‍ उठि‍ गेल छल। एतेक वर्ष बीत गेल। नील अखनो ओहने छथि‍, कोनो परि‍वर्त्तन नै भेल छन्‍हि‍। आकर्षक नील, हँसमुख नील, पुर्ण पुरुष नील, उच्‍च पदस्‍थ नील, नील-नील। श्‍यामा कहि‍यो नीलकेँ बि‍सरि‍ नै सकल छलीह। सभटा प्रयासश्‍यामाक वि‍फल भऽ गेल छल। नील सदि‍खन छाया सदृश श्‍यामाक संग लागले रहलथि‍। नील कतेक दूर भऽ गेल छथि‍, श्‍यामा आब चाहि‍यो कऽ नीलकेँ स्‍पर्श नै कऽ सकैत छथि‍, ओहि‍ना जेना छाया संग रहि‍तौं स्‍पर्श नै कएल जा सकैत अछि‍, मनुष्‍यक संग छायाक अस्‍ति‍त्‍व तँ सदि‍खन रहैत छैक, मुदा ओकर आकार तँ सदि‍खन नै रहैत छैक। श्‍यामाक जि‍नगी नील, श्‍यामाक सोच नील, श्‍यामाक सभ ि‍कछु नील। श्‍यामाक तन्‍द्रा भंग भऽ गेल छल, नीलक चि‍र परि‍चि‍त हँसि‍ सुनि‍, नील आश्चर्यचकि‍त होइत प्रसन्न भऽ कहने छलाह- “श्‍यामा, माइ डि‍यर फ्रेंड हमरा...